My FOSDEM 2014 presentation on python-netsnmpagent

I just held Sunday’s first lightning talk on python-netsnmpagent at FOSDEM 2014. Unfortunately they had camera problems, so no recording, sorry. In case you’re interested in the slides, here you go: Slides from my FOSDEM 2014 presentation on python-netsnmpagent

Categorized as General, SNMP

Why Puppet should ship with official modules

Much has certainly already been said about Puppetforge. A year ago, we were promised at Puppetcamp Nuremburg that Puppetforge was likely to improve to a more usable level. But as of now, Puppetforge is much like Github: unless you already know where to look, what to take, you’re pretty much left to your own, to… Continue reading Why Puppet should ship with official modules

You’ve always been a DevOps at home – sort of

In a previous post, I was making a call for HomeOps, the application of DevOps principles to SOHO (small and home office) scenarios as well. I’ve listed a number of arguments. Here’s another one.

Categorized as General

HomeOps: A call for the application of Devops principles at home, too

We all have sort of gained some kind of experience in the IT world, in the way IT works and especially the way it doesn’t work. As an IT professional following recent trends and developments (you do continously keep an eye on them, right?), you will certainly have learned about (or at least heard of)… Continue reading HomeOps: A call for the application of Devops principles at home, too