Automatic mounting of known removable media with systemd in non-graphical environments

In a Unix/Linux context, the term “automount” is often interpreted as the automatic on-demand mounting of devices or remote filesystems as soon as a controlled path is accessed: the actual mounting is deferred to the moment the path is first accessed. Or in other words: only when it is needed. But what if we want… Continue reading Automatic mounting of known removable media with systemd in non-graphical environments

How Apple (and Avahi) effectively killed CUPS’ printer discovery for enterprise Linux environments

Not saying that you fell for clickbait but this is going to be a quite opinionated piece that didn’t go anywhere next to the scrutiny a LWN article would have gone and merely represents a summary of my findings on this particular topic so far.

My FOSDEM 2014 presentation on python-netsnmpagent

I just held Sunday’s first lightning talk on python-netsnmpagent at FOSDEM 2014. Unfortunately they had camera problems, so no recording, sorry. In case you’re interested in the slides, here you go: Slides from my FOSDEM 2014 presentation on python-netsnmpagent

Categorized as General, SNMP

You’ve always been a DevOps at home – sort of

In a previous post, I was making a call for HomeOps, the application of DevOps principles to SOHO (small and home office) scenarios as well. I’ve listed a number of arguments. Here’s another one.

Categorized as General

LinuxCon Europe 2011 in Prague

I’m currently at the Linux Foundation’s LinuxCon Europe 2011 conference in Prague. I’ve been to the Collaboration Summit in San Francisco earlier this year, too, and I’m pleasantly surprised by the quality of the talks so far. This year’s talks seem to be a lot focussed on btrfs and ext4:

Categorized as General

When OS lifecycle becomes a burden, agileness becomes key

The very moment you start running a service of what kind ever, you will face yourself being exposed to the concepts and release cycles of the software underlying your service. In the case of Linux, among other issues this results in the question of what type of Linux distribution you deploy on your servers. The… Continue reading When OS lifecycle becomes a burden, agileness becomes key