Not exactly rocket science but since it took me a while to find out I’ll keep this here for future reference: to get rid of NetworkManager authorization prompts in openSUSE Leap 15.0 and similar distros, create /etc/polkit-1/rules.d/80-networkmanager-allow-users-group.rules: polkit.addRule(function(action, subject) { if (/^org\.freedesktop\.NetworkManager\./.test( && subject.local && && subject.isInGroup(“users”)) { return polkit.Result.YES; } });
Tag: NetworkManager
Changing Dell Wireless 5809e / Sierra Wireless EM7305 USB composition (MBIM, QMI, AT interface, NMEA)
Here’s a small update to my post from last year on Dell Wireless 5809e support in Linux – a followup.
Setting the MTU on NetworkManager connections
It is August 2015. Unfortunately it is still not possible to manually specify the MTU to be used on non-Ethernet NetworkManager connections (eg. VPN connections but also PPP).
Dell Wireless 5809e support in Linux – a followup
Here’s a followup on my previous post Dell Wireless 5809e support in openSUSE 13.2.
Dell Wireless 5809e support in openSUSE 13.2
This post is about getting the LTE card to work that gets built into current Dell Notebooks such as the Latitude E5450/E7450: