Just a link to an excellent blog article about strange and unexpected things that can happen in systems management: http://blog.krisk.org/2013/02/packets-of-death.html.
Category: Hardware
Hardware monitoring on HP Proliant DL380 Gx servers
Download the following files:
An introduction to Intel’s Active Management Technology (AMT)
As one usually does not have easy (read: spontaneous, fast) access to servers stored away in some ISP’s data center, evaluating remote access/remote management solutions seems like a good idea. Since vendor-specific solutions such as iDRAC, iLO etc. were no option as I wouldn’t buy a “real” server, IPMI and iAMT came as the only… Continue reading An introduction to Intel’s Active Management Technology (AMT)
Break your own reluctance!
Right, so now I’m seriously fed up. It’s enough. No more waiting, no delays. For ****’s sake, it’s outright depressing to see the new PC components I bought last August (!) lying around ever since because I did not want to rip apart my existing PC too early and investige into some Windows 7 difficulties… Continue reading Break your own reluctance!
openSUSE 11.3 Peculiarities?
I upgraded my Dell Latitude E6400 Notebook to openSUSE 11.3 and while in total the system runs just fine (even UMTS finally seems to work out-of-the-box), I’ve encountered two issues: Under the GNOME environment, I can’t modify the number of virtual desktops. Right-clicking the virtual desktop chooser applet shows only the option to change the… Continue reading openSUSE 11.3 Peculiarities?
Notebook upgraded to openSUSE 11.2
I just upgraded my Dell Latitute E6400 notebook to the just released openSUSE 11.2.
Asus MyCinema-PS3-100 3-in-1 TV card (updated)
In the process of evaluating TV card options for my EPIA MII, I came across a TV card which, so far, seems to have been overseen by the entire Internet, safe for the shopping sites. The Asus MyCinema-PS3-100/PTS/FM/AV/RC is not a hybrid but actually a 3-in-1 card, integrating Analogue TV, DVB-T and DVB-S on one… Continue reading Asus MyCinema-PS3-100 3-in-1 TV card (updated)
Google TechTalk-Presentation on CoreBoot
While (after years) re-checking out the possibilities to get the built-in CompactFlash slot of my EPIA MII board (which I’ll blabla about in a later post) bootable, I stumbled over this really interesting YouTube capture of a Google TechTalk on Coreboot, a project aiming at providing an Open Source alternative to the common PC BIOS.
Hacking the Netgear WG102 Access Point
This article describes my experiences while conducting some reverse engineering of the Netgear WG102 firmware. For one thing, you might learn something about the approaches and methods useful when you want to find out “how they did that” (they = the device’s manufacturer) in general, on the other hand there is also a lot of WG102 resp. Netgear-specific information in here, of course.